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Mike Gundy Calls His Hair a ‘Millennial Mullet’



I compiled a list of the eight stages of Mike Gundy’s mullet today because he went on ESPN Radio to discuss it recently. I thought it was hilarious. You can listen to the whole interview here, but I pulled the mullet-related stuff.

“All this football talk is great, but I want to talk about the mullet,” said the ESPN Radio host. “I was up at West Virginia last week, and they actually had a FatHead cutout of you in one of the windows just of the mullet.”

Side note: I think he was talking about being in Stillwater for the West Virginia game and Gundy misunderstood thinking he was actually in West Virginia.

“Once it started taking off, I saw potential free marketing on social media,” said Gundy. I’m more or less certain Gundy could not explain marketing on social media if you gave him $3.75 million to do so.

“Why would a guy not want free marketing in West Virginia with a mullet. It would probably become very popular there. They probably have a few mullets and they’re down-to-earth salt of the earth people over there.

“The younger generation, it’s somewhat foreign to them. But I’m a big 70s and 80s music guy, and every once in a while it’s OK to bring the mullet back and have some fun with the team. We know the real mullet was if you permed it a little on the ends and had it bi-leveled. This is kind of a millennial mullet.”

Incredible. You can listen to the entire thing here.

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